Partecipò come radioamatore e dottore farmacista alle emergenze del Friuli 1976, dell’Irpinia e del Bellice del 1980 offrendo medicinali e permanendo sul posto per settimane con un furgone attrezzato dai radioamatori di Primiero per assicurare i collegamenti radio d’emergenza nelle zone colpite dal sisma.
Fu tra i primi radioamatori che negli anni 70 contribuì a far crescere e diffondere la passione per la radio nelle nostre Vallate del Primiero e Vanoi. In memoria dei soci SK della Sezione ARI Primiero.
Memorial in memory of our dear member Giuseppe ‘Pino’ Fracanzani, IK3ITF previously IN3FXG, (SK on 18 June 2021).
He took part as a radio amateur and pharmacist in the emergencies of Friuli 1976, Irpinia and Bellice in 1980, offering medicines and staying on site for weeks with a van equipped by the radio amateurs of Primiero to ensure emergency radio links in the areas hit by the earthquake.
He was among the first radio amateurs to contribute to the growth and spread of the passion for radio in our Primiero and Vanoi valleys in the 1970s. In memory of SK members of the ARI Primiero section.
Fonte: ARI Primiero
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