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ARISSat-1 dalla ISS

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  • ARISSat-1 dalla ISS

    Da oggi,lunedì 11 aprile e fino a dopodomani mercoledì 13,sarà attivo dalla ISS il minisatellite radioamatoriale ARISSat-1,come dal seguente messaggio

    ARISSat-1 activated to celebrate 50th anniversary of first human spaceflight

    To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first human spaceflight by cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, the ARISSat-1 satellite aboard the International Space Station will be on the air using the station's external antenna. Transmissions will begin on Monday, April 11, at 14:30 UTC and continue until 10:30 UTC on April 13.

    To preserve the satellite's battery, transmissions will cycle on and off. ARISSat-1 will transmit for 40 to 60 seconds, and then remain silent for 2 minutes.

    The FM transmissions on 145.950 MHz will alternate between a voice ID, telemetry values, SSTV images and audio greetings in 15 different languages. One of the transmissions will contain audio of a conversation between Gagarin and ground controllers that was recorded during the historic flight.

    A CW beacon will be heard on 145.919 MHz cycling between the ARISSat-1 call sign, telemetry and call signs of individuals involved in the ARISS program.

    BPSK-1000 telemetry transmissions will also take place on 145.920 MHz SSB using the new 1kBPSK protocol developed by Phil Karn, KA9Q.

    AMSAT will issue commemorative certificates to listeners who receive the ARISSat-1 transmissions. Reports can be e-mailed to or Include your name, call sign, a description of what you heard and the UTC time you heard it. Recording the battery voltage telemetry values and the UTC time you received them will be especially helpful.

    You can determine when the International Space Station will be passing overhead by using the AMSAT-NA online pass prediction tool at

    Passes over Europe will be in nightly hours.

    Technical details are available on the ARRL website

    Good luck!


    Gaston Bertels, ON4WF
    ARISS Chairman

  • #2
    Re: ARISSat-1 dalla ISS

    Secondo voi, visto che sul band plane dell'ARISSat la telemetria è indicata sia su 145.950 che 920, è un errore di battitura oppure realmente trasmette dati telemetrici su due differenti frequenze? e nel caso fosse così, sono trasmessi con lo stesso protocollo?
    73' Antonio.


    • #3
      Re: ARISSat-1 dalla ISS

      Antonio,io non ti so rispondere perchè non ho mai provato a ricevere dati telemetrici.Ti allego qui uno stralcio di appunti dell'ARISSat-1,ma credo che dette informazioni si riferiscano a quando l'ARISSat-1 sarà depositato nello spazio ( a luglio,forse) con tutte le sue funzioni attivate(transponder,ecc.). Mi pare di aver capito che in questi due giorni detto satellite funzioni sono in trasmissione dall'interno della Stazione e quindi potremo solo fare ascolto,in quanto starà usando le antenne VHF della ISS e non le sue in dotazione (V ed U).Vediamo un po' cosa si riesce ad vado per la SSTV Robot 36..Il primo passaggio odierno sull'Italia ,dopo le 14.30 UTC. è il prossimo dalle 22.55 alle 23.04 italiane.
      Sarò in ascolto su 145.950 Mhz (+/- doppler) in FM con il software MMSSTV e cercherò anche di ascoltare qualche messaggio. a dopo...
      ================================================== =======
      ARISSat-1 transponder can relay several conversations simultaneously.
      Digital enthusiasts will enjoy the challenge of receiving BPSK-1000 telemetry. This will be an exciting application of a digital mode that is entirely new to Amateur Radio.
      All transmissions from ARISSat-1 will be sent within the 2 meter satellite band using various modes of operation (see Figure 2). All stored voice transmissions will use FM at 145.950 MHz. This includes a female voice ID, female voice telemetry (subset) and 24 greeting messages in 15 different languages from students and other individuals from around the world. Many of these messages end with a “secret word.” If listeners successfully collect and identify all the secret words, they can submit them and receive a special certificate. Details for the contest will be announced via the AMSAT and ARISSat-1 Web pages as well as the AMSAT News Service before deployment. To add even more variety, SSTV ID images and images acquired by the on-board cameras are slated to be part of the transmission sequence. The SSTV signals will be sent in Robot 36 protocol and can be displayed in real time on a computer using free downloadable software from the Internet. The freely available MMSSTV program was used during testing and works well.
      Satellite telemetry will also be available on 2 meters on 145.920 MHz using a new BPSK transmission mode (BPSK-1000) specifically developed for ARISSat-1 by Phil Karn, KA9Q. There is a Phase 3, 400 bps BPSK telemetry downlink on board for use only as a backup system. Only the BPSK-1000 system is slated for activation. Even though the satellite will not be spin stabilized, the BPSK-1000 mode should provide an error-free signal allowing the use of simple antennas on the ground even during deep fades. Free decoding software for BPSK-1000 will also be made available before deployment. In addition, a downlink telemetry subset will be transmitted using CW (Morse code). If CW is transmitting on 145.919 MHz, then BPSK-1000 is active on 145.920 MHz. If CW is transmitting on 145.939 MHz, the BPSK-400 backup mode is active on 145.920 MHz.
      To encourage an interest in using Morse code, the CW beacons will also host a CW contest, transmitting the call signs of hams that have contributed to Amateur Radio in space. Received call signs may be submitted for a special CW certificate. Again, specific details for the contest will be announced before deployment.
      As noted earlier, for those so equipped, ARISSat-1 will feature the first software defined transponder (SDX) to fly on board an Amateur Radio satellite. A software-defined transponder creates the modulation schemes (FM, CW, USB, LSB) used by the uplink and downlinks in software through digital signal


      • #4
        Re: ARISSat-1 dalla ISS

        Grazie per la risposta I7PQD, avevo capito più o meno anch'io così. Allora buona caccia e speriamo che il segnale sia buono. In zona 3 dovrei aspettare il passaggio dopo e per me è tardi. Mi accontenterò di quello che riesci/riuscite a fare e a postare nel forum
        73' Antonio.


        • #5
          Re: ARISSat-1 dalla ISS

          Non ho ascoltato nulla su 145.950 mhz FM dalle ore 22.55 alle ore 23.04 italiane..riproverò domani mattina..
          73' Michele


          • #6
            Re: ARISSat-1 dalla ISS

            Nulla da ARISSat-1 anche durante il passaggio di stamattina 12 aprile,sulla frequenza di 145.950 mhz-FM,dalle ore 5.19 ale ore 5.29 italiane-loc.JN90dc chissà perchè???
            73' Michele


            • #7
              Re: ARISSat-1 dalla ISS

              e nulla nemmeno dalle ore italiane 06.54-07.03 ....?????
              su 145.950 MHZ FM


              • #8
                Re: ARISSat-1 dalla ISS

                Le ultime notizie sullo stato di ARISSat-1 sono state comunicate dall' come da seguente stralcio del bollettino appena ricevuto:
                (sembra di capire che sia operativo dalle 06.00 am UTC di oggi 12 aprile e quindi dalle 8 di stamattina dovrebbe essere attivo,ma non ho letto ancora nessun rapporto di conferma in rete,sui vari siti radioamatoriali.Il primo odierno passaggio a noi utile per la ricezione sarà dalle ore italiane 21.46.33 alle ore 21.53.46 ed il secondo dalle ore 23.20.19 alle ore 23.29.36 ).
                ================================================== =======
                The AMSAT News Service has received the latest information regarding
                the planned activation of ARISSat-1 aboard the ISS which has been
                awaited by the amateur radio community all day Monday.

                ARISSat-1 Project Manager, Gould Smith, WA5SXM reported that aboard
                the ISS, "Cosmonaut Dmitri performed hardware setup and test activa-
                tion of the 'KEDR' microsatellite aboard the Russian segment of the
                ISS by connecting the satellite to an Orlan battery and checking out
                its transmitter from the satellite control panel."

                A status report received via NASA assures the amateur radio commun-
                ity that, "KEDR (ARISSat-1) will be activated onboard the station on
                April 12 to celebrate Cosmonautics Day, when the world celebrates the
                anniversaries of the first human flight into space and the first
                Space Shuttle flight."

                The crew aboard the ISS operates on UTC time and sleeps from 2130Z
                to 0600Z. The ARISSat-1 team is awaiting the next crew activity to
                commence after 0600Z on April 12.

                Depending on which press release information you find on-line the
                names ARISSat-1, RadioSkaf-V, RadioSkaf-B, KEDR are all names for
                the same satellite.

                Once activated on April 12, the 145.950 MHz FM downlink will
                transmit messages a continuous sequence, one of which is the
                Gagarin-to-ground station conversation, famous "Poyekhali"
                (Let's Go!) from Yuri Gagarin from Earth orbit. This downlink
                frequency will also transmit spoken telemetry, SSTV images, and
                pre-recorded messages of goodwill.

                ARISSat-1 also bears the name KEDR in honor of the call sign of Yuri
                Gagarin during his historic space flight. According to the Russian
                Space Agency, KEDR is the first phase in Russia's integrated program
                approved by UNESCO, with the goal to create and operate mini-satel-
                lites with a mass less than 100 kg by the combined efforts of students
                across the world.

                KEDR (ARRIsat-1) currently contains a student experiment designed by
                the Russian Kursk State University. AMSAT has built three additional
                ARISSat-1 spaceframes which are available for future flights to con-
                tinue with the goal of flying student space experiments. Each ARISSat
                spaceframe has the capability to support five experimental packages
                in addition to its amateur radio payload. The BPSK-1000 telemetry
                beacon on 145.920 MHz will provide a forward error corrected downlink
                capable of reliable reception of data in low signal level conditions.

                [ANS thanks the ARISSat-1 team for the above information]



                • #9
                  Re: ARISSat-1 dalla ISS

                  Mi dispiace,ma ,fino ad ora,nessun segnale è stato ricevuto su 145.950 MHZ-FM dal satellite ARISSat-1 dall'interno della ISS.Non si conoscono i motivi.Speriamo in un domani migliore...(veramente domani, cioè ultimo giorno di test valido- 13 aprile 2011) e poi dovremo attendere fino a luglio 2011, quando probabilmente sarà deposto definitivamente nello spazio.


                  • #10
                    Re: ARISSat-1 dalla ISS

                    Nessun tipo di suono qui al passaggio delle 23:23 locali


                    • #11
                      Re: ARISSat-1 dalla ISS

                      e tanto per chiudere il topic....fino ad ora,nessun tipo di trasmissione, tra quelle annunciate, è stato ricevuto su 145.950 MHz dall'ARISSat-1 (no SSTV,no BPSK,no audio, no voce registrata di Yuri Gagarin, nel giorno-13 aprile- Cinquantenario del primo volo umano nello spazio.I motivi non si conoscono.

                      File allegati


                      • #12
                        Re: ARISSat-1 dalla ISS

                        adesso si sa qualcosa in piu'..ecco il link:



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