Fantastico, ci prendono parte anche radioamatori ! Propongo una manifestazione analoga da tenersi qui in Italia, esattamente sull'isola di Pantelleria, subito prima o subito dopo il CQWW-CW. Treni lì non ce ne sono, si potrebbero però inviare goliardicamente le immagini agli altri team concorrenti... 

Amateur Radio Amateur radio operators may communicate locally on 146.555 MHz FM-Simplex.
Any "ham" radio club is welcome to set up a special event from here, however you'll need your own electrical power, get here early and this is in a valley with hills on the East and West.
Tutti i dettagli qui:

Amateur Radio Amateur radio operators may communicate locally on 146.555 MHz FM-Simplex.
Any "ham" radio club is welcome to set up a special event from here, however you'll need your own electrical power, get here early and this is in a valley with hills on the East and West.
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