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Texas Instruments Precision Lab

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  • Texas Instruments Precision Lab

    Vi segnalo un'interessante iniziativa gratuita della Texas Instruments che mette a disposizione una serie di risorse didattiche per ingegneri analogici, studenti ed anche appassionati e makers

    Tra le altre cose è scaricabile il seguente pocket reference, ricco di formule e informazioni utili:

    This pocket reference is intended as a valuable quick guide for often used board- and systemlevel
    design formulae. This collection of formulae is based on a combined 50 years of analog
    board- and system-level expertise. Much of the material herein was referred to over the years
    via a folder stuffed full of printouts. Those worn pages have been organized and the information
    is now available via this guide in a bound and hard-to-lose format!
    Here is a brief overview of the key areas included:
    • Key constants and conversions
    • Discrete components
    • AC and DC analog equations
    • Op amp basic configurations
    • OP amp bandwidth and stability
    • Overview of sensors
    • PCB trace R, L, C
    • Wire L, R, C
    • Binary, hex and decimal formats
    • A/D and D/A conversions
    Occorre iscriversi (gratuitamente) e l'iscrizione da accesso a lezioni, video e a un forum di supporto.

    Spero di aver fatto cosa gradita, a tutti buone feste!

    Maurizio ik2cnf
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