Re: Efficacia Globale Apparato
Ciao Sil!
In effetti è un ottimo compromesso, per il cacciatore solitario è anche troppo,
basterebbe anche un ft-950 che tutto sommato se la cava benino anche lui.
La delusione riguarda le "BIG", ti copio una domanda che avevo posto
qualche giorno fà su yaoo:
"" Hi all;
I have a wonderful FTdx 5000 MP but I'm not able to increase the quality of reception on SSB, especially trying to reduce interferences and splatterings during contests.
I'm accustomed to use ATT, RF GAIN, WIDTH and SHIFT but I miss an acceptable setup compared to other RTX.
I wonder if this could be a problem of BF settings, for example the parameters of the menu from 99 to 102.
I use the headphones, so I'm not interested to the audio quality from the loudspeaker, but only need to be able to better work on SSB with close rather strong signals; I guess there is a solution, considering the excellent numbers of the laboratory tests.
Is this personal impression shared by other owners who may have had the opportunity to compare this radio with other high level rigs (for example Ten Tec Orion, ....) ?
Thanks in advance for the help.
Best 73 de Simone IZ5DKJ ""
Ciao Sil!
In effetti è un ottimo compromesso, per il cacciatore solitario è anche troppo,
basterebbe anche un ft-950 che tutto sommato se la cava benino anche lui.
La delusione riguarda le "BIG", ti copio una domanda che avevo posto
qualche giorno fà su yaoo:
"" Hi all;
I have a wonderful FTdx 5000 MP but I'm not able to increase the quality of reception on SSB, especially trying to reduce interferences and splatterings during contests.
I'm accustomed to use ATT, RF GAIN, WIDTH and SHIFT but I miss an acceptable setup compared to other RTX.
I wonder if this could be a problem of BF settings, for example the parameters of the menu from 99 to 102.
I use the headphones, so I'm not interested to the audio quality from the loudspeaker, but only need to be able to better work on SSB with close rather strong signals; I guess there is a solution, considering the excellent numbers of the laboratory tests.
Is this personal impression shared by other owners who may have had the opportunity to compare this radio with other high level rigs (for example Ten Tec Orion, ....) ?
Thanks in advance for the help.
Best 73 de Simone IZ5DKJ ""