Chi era costui , vi chiederete..
Magari se vi dico che Jim Miller è stato il creatore del famoso sistema di array four square in fase della Comtek vi verrà in mente qualcosa. Molto probabilmente qualcuno di voi avrà pure usato il suo famoso fasatore. Jim K4SQR aveva venduto la Comtek un po' di anni fa,alla DX Engineering anche per i suoi problemi di salute. Ecco la mail ricevuta nel net dei soci della CDXA, della quale faccio immeritatamente parte........
Hello DXers and fellow CDXA Members.. I just received a telephone call from Norma Miller that Jim, K4SQR had passed away this afternoon about 6:00 PM. He has been suffering with COPD for quite some time and his health has been declining for many months. (snip snip) As most of you might remember Jim was the former owner of Comtek Systems and he made many 4 Square Antenna phasing systems and other antenna phasing and switching devices. Comtek Systems was sold to DX Engineering some years ago. He was also KZ5JM in the Canal Zone in the 1970s, but moved to Charlotte, NC in the early 1980s.
73 ! Brix
Magari se vi dico che Jim Miller è stato il creatore del famoso sistema di array four square in fase della Comtek vi verrà in mente qualcosa. Molto probabilmente qualcuno di voi avrà pure usato il suo famoso fasatore. Jim K4SQR aveva venduto la Comtek un po' di anni fa,alla DX Engineering anche per i suoi problemi di salute. Ecco la mail ricevuta nel net dei soci della CDXA, della quale faccio immeritatamente parte........
Hello DXers and fellow CDXA Members.. I just received a telephone call from Norma Miller that Jim, K4SQR had passed away this afternoon about 6:00 PM. He has been suffering with COPD for quite some time and his health has been declining for many months. (snip snip) As most of you might remember Jim was the former owner of Comtek Systems and he made many 4 Square Antenna phasing systems and other antenna phasing and switching devices. Comtek Systems was sold to DX Engineering some years ago. He was also KZ5JM in the Canal Zone in the 1970s, but moved to Charlotte, NC in the early 1980s.
73 ! Brix