The Italian DXpedition Team announces its forthcoming activity as TL8TT from the Central African Republic in February 2017.
We shall be active on all bands 10-160m on CW/SSB, whereas ONE band, to be selected according to propagation conditions, will be used for RTTY.
For infos or log checks during the Dxpedition contact ONLY the Pilot Station IK7JWY at ik7jwy@gmail.com. Please DO NOT send any email to the Team members.
At the DXpedition site, electyrical power will be provided by two generators, to be rented in place.
Internet is not guaranteed 24h/day, we shall do our best to maximize connection time.
The Dxpedition web address is: http://www.i2ysb.com/idt/
The real-time online Log and OQRS will be available at: http://win.i2ysb.com/logonline/
The Forum and News (during the DXpedition) will be available at:
Please fill in the TL8T Survey at http://www.i2ysb.com/idt/