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9Q0HQ official forum

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  • #16
    Re: 9Q0HQ official forum

    Confermo, li ho lavorati da casa con la mia vecchia 6 elementi e tutto il QRM che il centro di una città può produrre.

    Paolo I4EWH


    • #17
      Re: 9Q0HQ official forum

      It sure would be great if they could be QRV on 6m JT65A mode during the best days of the month for 6m EME! If they don't want to take the initiative, I will be calling CQ on 50.190 in first sequence JT65A mode during their moonset on March 18 (1400-1530Z) and March 19 (1500-1630Z). Hopefully they can at least monitor for awhile if they are not overwhelmed with TEP at that hour... MNI TNX for your consideration! VY 73, Lance W7GJ


      • #18
        Re: 9Q0HQ official forum

        Hi Lance,
        I'm sorry but this dxpedition doesn't work in digital JT65A mode.


        • #19
          Re: 9Q0HQ official forum

          la bagarre a 166 quando comincia?


          • #20
            Re: 9Q0HQ official forum

            Is there 160m activity planning soon? Thank you!


            • #21
              Re: 9Q0HQ official forum

              A me servono solo le bande WARC e per ora sono a 2, appena escono in 17 faccio l'en-plein, forza ragazzi
              73 Godifredo


              • #22
                Re: 9Q0HQ official forum

                Originariamente inviato da EU7A Visualizza il messaggio
                Is there 160m activity planning soon? Thank you!
                yes, they will be active on all bands.
                73 de IK7JWY Art


                • #23
                  Re: 9Q0HQ official forum

                  Ciao Ragazzi, divertitevi e fate tanti qso!
                  73 de Gius, IT9VDQ


                  • #24
                    Re: 9Q0HQ official forum

                    Hi Art, this dxcc is wanted also in 75ssb by someone usual user window dx from JA. I think that 19-22 utc is a good time to work Congo from Asia also.
                    There will be possibility in the next days in the dx plain activity?



                    • #25
                      Re: 9Q0HQ official forum

                      I would like to put out a special thanks to the OP yesterday on 40m CW. He asked for W0. I came back along with a host of other non W0 which seems to be the way most ops operate now.

                      I called and he came back to W0M. More people kept calling.

                      The op was persistent an asking for the W0M........too many times.

                      We finally made the QSO.

                      This took about 5 times longer than it should have because of bad operators and the new BULLDOZER technique of finding the station that is trying to work the DX and attempting plow over that contact to make their own.

                      This is terrible behavior. It is sad to see where Ham Radio has gone. Just listen to the pileups and when the DX calls for the WB1 station, just listen to the stations that come back. Apparently if you have a W6, N6, K6 in your call you were mailed call whenever you like cards? Some pretty big dx calls are in there with this terrible behavior. Shame on you!

                      Once again thanks for a great operation and not allowing these bullies and bulldozers to take away contacts!


                      • #26
                        Re: 9Q0HQ official forum

                        Originariamente inviato da I9/7446 Visualizza il messaggio
                        There will be possibility in the next days in the dx plain activity?
                        Sure, they will do the best to give a QSO on 75 to JA's and everyone.
                        73 de IK7JWY Art


                        • #27
                          Re: 9Q0HQ official forum

                          Originariamente inviato da W0MU Visualizza il messaggio
                          Once again thanks for a great operation and not allowing these bullies and bulldozers to take away contacts!
                          HI Ken,
                          many thanks for report.
                          73 de IK7JWY Art


                          • #28
                            Re: 9Q0HQ official forum

                            Originariamente inviato da I9/7446 Visualizza il messaggio
                            Hi Art, this dxcc is wanted also in 75ssb by someone usual user window dx from JA. I think that 19-22 utc is a good time to work Congo from Asia also.
                            There will be possibility in the next days in the dx plain activity?

                            Ku fu? Palemmitano é?


                            • #29
                              Re: 9Q0HQ official forum

                              ma la gente che fà non i doppioni addirittura i tripli è sorda? e qui c'è gente ad ascoltare con la santa pazienza ed aspetta di fare il qso in 6 metri, eppure mi sà che il logonline funziona bene o è mania di grandezza?
                              Boh non ci capisco più niente


                              • #30
                                Re: 9Q0HQ official forum

                                Ma cosa è successo verso le 18.30, che mi pare Silvano si è in****ato nero con qualcuno (zona sette se non sbaglio) ??
                                Addirittura ha smesso di trasmettere ed ha promesso di fare solo americani per tutta la notte??.....

                                73, Massimo


                                Sto operando...