The conditions not so good yesterday on the high bands was heralding some improving on the low bands. In fact we have been able to do some tens of QSOs on 160m and 40m. On 80m band the noise was high. About the top band, we had some openings short but useful to reduce our frustration.
Today the condition on high bands was not so good, so we hope this herald again a interesting night on the low bands. We hope the oncoming thunderstorm does not cause too much noise.
Someone on the cluster suggested to put the radials in the lake. Some precences very close to our antennas discourage us to do it again...
Today the condition on high bands was not so good, so we hope this herald again a interesting night on the low bands. We hope the oncoming thunderstorm does not cause too much noise.
Someone on the cluster suggested to put the radials in the lake. Some precences very close to our antennas discourage us to do it again...