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last news #7: updates

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  • last news #7: updates

    No much to report.
    Our activity is going on. It' hot here. The high bands runs well , despite of some fluctuations and black-out some minutes long. In the last night the bands were almost completely closed. On 30m/40m the signals were low and hard to hear. Anyway we had a good opening on 20m with EU, with a heavy pile-up.
    Very bad for 80m and 160m, no signals and the condx don't improve. Yesterday we installed a director for the vertical 80m antenna to gain something, but the absence of signals prevented us from making comparisons.
    We called continuously on 80m and 160m for one hour and 15 minutes, during or sunrise, but the bands were completely empty. We do not even listened to the few stations spotted on the cluster.
    We understand your frustration , we too we are frustrated for this, we don't sleep at night to try to do something on the low bands and we also are exposed to criticism. We see that the solar activity is high and surely this plays against on the low bands. We hope something change before the DXpedition ends.
    Ultima modifica di IK7JWY; 11-03-14, 15:27.
    73 de IK7JWY Art
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