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Buon inizio d'anno in 136 kHz

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  • Buon inizio d'anno in 136 kHz

    Buon Anno a tutti,

    informo con piacere che ho iniziato l'anno 2016 col raggiungimento (il 1 gennaio) del mio record personale di 1647 km (LA3EQ Jan) in 136 kHz nonostante le mie modeste condizioni di lavoro.

    HNY & 73 Emilio, I5EFO
    File allegati

  • #2
    Re: Buon inizio d'anno in 136 kHz

    Complimenti Emilio, ottimo risultato. Non sono porzioni di frequenza che frequento, hi. Ma la cosa che mi affascina é tutto il lavoro di preparazione, sperimentazione e impegno di tempo libero prima di fare un solo qso. Quando noi nelle HF in una mattinata di contest ne possiamo fare 300 anche dalla nostra stazione casalinga. Buon proseguimento per il tuo prossimo record
    73 Brix (e buon anno)


    • #3
      Re: Buon inizio d'anno in 136 kHz

      Ciao a tutti i Lowfer ed a Brix,

      con questo annuncio che ho fatto sui gruppi Yahoo di RSGB_lf e Opera, ha risposto SV8RV Dionysios dicendo che la decodifica di Opera32 che mi riguarda è probabile che sia una falsa decodifica (cosa di cui si sente spesso parlare tra gli utenti di Opera).

      Io ho ribadito che potrebbero esserci delle differenze tra il modo (orario) di mettere a log nei due sistemi di Opera32 (il Dinamico di G0NBD e quello Correlato di DF6NM).

      C'è qualcuno che mi sa dare una mano per spiegarmi quello che succede ?

      Se avete pazienza, potete leggere sotto (in inglese) il botta e risposta fra me e Dionisyos.

      73 Emilio (i5EFO)

      In RSGB_lf Group SV8RV wrote:
      ""Hello Emil

      Happy New Year

      Unfortunately this decode by LA3EQ i think is false

      Your transmission stopped at 21:08:09 as i can see from my receivers so it is not normal to have

      deep search decode 7 mins before you finished transmitting.

      The right decode was on 21:12 deep search from SV8RV-1 receiver (4-5 mins after you stopped transmitting so it is normal).

      opera program monitor

      21:17 136 LA3EQ de PA7EY Op32 -32 dB F:15% in Amsterdam

      21:17 136 LA3EQ de DL-SWL Op32 703 km -30 dB F:23% in nr Wolfsburg 1541,1 Hz with 0.1w + invert L

      21:12 136 I5EFO de SV8RV-1 Op32 Deep Search ?? -42 dB in Zakynthos(Zante) isl.GREECE 1496,9 Hz

      21:09 136 LA4ANA de DL-SWL Op32 801 km -36 dB F:15% in nr Wolfsburg 1501,8 Hz with 0.02w + Marconi-T

      21:08 477 EA5DOM de SV8RV-3 Op8 1833 km -23 dB F:3% in Zakynthos(Zante) isl. GREECE 1525,6 Hz with 80w + Vert 11+80m

      21:08 477 EA5DOM de SV8RV-2 Op8 1833 km -14 dB F:1%_End in Zakynthos(Zante) isl. GREECE 1525,4 Hz with 80w + Vert 11+80m

      21:08 477 EA5DOM de G3XKR Op8 1418 km -5 dB F:10% in BIDEFORD Devon 1525.4 Hz with 80w + Vert 11+80m

      21:08 477 EA5DOM de PA3ABK Op8 1519 km -8 dB F:1%_End in Dordrecht 1525,1 Hz with 80w + Vert 11+80m

      21:03 3547 G0NBD de ON4LUC Op2 675 km -20 dB F:16% in Sprimont jo20tm 1501,0 Hz with 5w + 40 Ft Vert

      21:01 136 I5EFO de LA3EQ Op32 Deep Search ?? 1647 km -42 dB in Egersund, Norway 1467,3 Hz with 1(erp)w + 100m Horizontal M

      21:01 136 EA5DOM de EB3FRN/V Op32 299 km +0 dB F:26% in MONTBRIO 2017.8 Hz with 80w + Vert 11+80m

      following 2 different (different receivers and different computers) giving the same time of your end of trasmission

      different decode system

      sv8rv-1 km07ks Opera-32 correlation (DF6NM)

      date time call distance frequency bandwidth snr correlation

      2016-01-01 21:08:09 I5EFO 1095km 137496.911Hz 16mHz -42.9dBOp 99% 16.5dB

      2016-01-01 18:50:15 UT7GH 1379km 137509.767Hz 133mHz -45.1dBOp 84% 17.9dB

      2016-01-01 14:12:22 UT7GH 1379km 137509.786Hz 138mHz -40.5dBOp 90% 15.8dB


      differenet decode system

      sv8rv-4 km07ks Opera-32 correlation (DF6NM)

      date time call distance frequency bandwidth snr correlation

      2016-01-01 21:08:08 I5EFO 1095km 137496.482Hz 12mHz -43.3dBOp 88% 16.1dB

      2016-01-01 18:50:15 UT7GH 1379km 137509.336Hz 13mHz -49.8dBOp 94% 15.9dB

      2016-01-01 05:25:57 SV8CS 7km 137510.287Hz 231mHz -43.4dBOp 65% 20.3dB


      also as i can see LA3EQ was transmitting the same time.

      73 de SV8RV
      Dionysios Vlachiotis
      Zakynthos(Zante) isl. GREECE

      and Emil (I5EFO) answered:
      ""Hello Dionysios and all,

      might be true if Opera 32 Dynamic behaves like Opera 32 correlation.

      In fact, it happened with Opera 32 correlation (DF6NM) that my signal was decoded by DF6NM before the end of my transmission (also 10-15m before) but was reported in the log the presumed end time of transmission (which is 32 m from the start transmission). In those cases I have manually stopped the trasmission and I again transmitted the whole cycle from the beginning. This is Opera32 correlation (DF6NM).

      Likewise, Jan (LA3EQ) may have stopped receiving when he saw my call decoded at 21:01z, because Opera 32 Dynamic reports the REAL (not PRESUMED as in Opera 32 correlation) decoding time. Immediately after, LA3EQ may have resumed immediately to transmit and (for the same reason stated before) may have been decoded from DL_SWL and PA7.

      All these my assumptions could give confirmation or denial by DF6NM and EA7HVK (or G0NBD), or even you Dionysios if you know the software architecture.

      I hope I was clear enough to make everyone understand what I mean.

      73 Emil, I5EFO""

      WHO IS RIGHT ? There are decoding difference between Opera32 correlation and Opera32 Dynamic, especially when send to log or put to the internet the GMT time ????

      Thanks for any answer

      73 Emil, I5EFO


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