Il Mio amico IK2ZNE ( grazie Giovanni) stamattina mi passa questo link:
Trattasi, purtroppo, di un' avvenimento d' oltre oceano organizzato dall' arrl, ma potrebbe essere utile andare ad ascoltare cosa fanno i nostri colleghi americani in 630 metri.
Ovviamente non da qui, ma utilizzando i vari sdr sparsi per gli Stati Uniti.
( ecco una delle utili cose che si fa con gli sdr remoti)
buoni ascolti.
Trattasi, purtroppo, di un' avvenimento d' oltre oceano organizzato dall' arrl, ma potrebbe essere utile andare ad ascoltare cosa fanno i nostri colleghi americani in 630 metri.
Ovviamente non da qui, ma utilizzando i vari sdr sparsi per gli Stati Uniti.
( ecco una delle utili cose che si fa con gli sdr remoti)
To promote awareness of the 630 meter band, several radio amateurs with FCC Part 5 experimental licenses — including a couple who are associated with the ARRL 600 Meter Experimental Group — will transmit Field Day greetings in CW on 630 meters throughout Field Day weekend, June 28-29.
These include WG2XKA (WA3ETD operator), running 1 W ERP on 472.5 kHz from Vermont; WG2XJM (NO3M operator), running 20-30 W ERP on 473.0 kHz from Pennsylvania; WG2XIQ (KB5NJD operator), running 1 W ERP on 474.0 kHz from Texas; WD2XSH/20 (N6LF operator), running 20 W ERP on 475.0 kHz from Oregon, and WE2XPQ (KL7L operator), running 50 W ERP on 472.00 kHz from Alaska.
Field Day stations may try using an HF transceiver capable covering the 472-479 kHz range to listen for these stations and others. Send reception reports to the individual operators. — Thanks to John Langridge, KB5NJD/WG2XIQ, via
These include WG2XKA (WA3ETD operator), running 1 W ERP on 472.5 kHz from Vermont; WG2XJM (NO3M operator), running 20-30 W ERP on 473.0 kHz from Pennsylvania; WG2XIQ (KB5NJD operator), running 1 W ERP on 474.0 kHz from Texas; WD2XSH/20 (N6LF operator), running 20 W ERP on 475.0 kHz from Oregon, and WE2XPQ (KL7L operator), running 50 W ERP on 472.00 kHz from Alaska.
Field Day stations may try using an HF transceiver capable covering the 472-479 kHz range to listen for these stations and others. Send reception reports to the individual operators. — Thanks to John Langridge, KB5NJD/WG2XIQ, via
