, sono "palloso", lo so, sempre a "piagne".
A fine estate inviai un breve report, riferito alla mia attività estiva in 160M, ancora visibile su questa sezione del forum.
Adesso, che inizia l'inverno... opss... che inizia il bello
... "me defilo?" 
Ciao, ci sentiamo anche per il CQBBI 2013, non mancate!
Tratto dal topband reflector, in inglese:
After a full summer spent on 160M, with great results... here we are, on the winter. Guys, do you know what I say? I think it was better (for me) in the summer, hee. Unfortunately between my mountains the situation sounds very difficult: a lot of traffic, a lot of people, a lot of operations... am a little bottled, a little too, hee. Note that on 160M am running with fullwave deltaloop ( recommended for my valley by I8UDB ), some tools to receive and... amp. Friends less equipped than me... work better than me because, of course, they have the so called "free space". ... So, so hard. Still not in log on PT0S and V84SMD... but I have not tried very much,WX was very bad over here. But... in the log for: HL5IVL; XP2I and (finally) Algeria 7X5NZ. So, not bad! See you... between the mountains!
Alessandro, IZ5MOQ

A fine estate inviai un breve report, riferito alla mia attività estiva in 160M, ancora visibile su questa sezione del forum.
Adesso, che inizia l'inverno... opss... che inizia il bello

Ciao, ci sentiamo anche per il CQBBI 2013, non mancate!
Tratto dal topband reflector, in inglese:
After a full summer spent on 160M, with great results... here we are, on the winter. Guys, do you know what I say? I think it was better (for me) in the summer, hee. Unfortunately between my mountains the situation sounds very difficult: a lot of traffic, a lot of people, a lot of operations... am a little bottled, a little too, hee. Note that on 160M am running with fullwave deltaloop ( recommended for my valley by I8UDB ), some tools to receive and... amp. Friends less equipped than me... work better than me because, of course, they have the so called "free space". ... So, so hard. Still not in log on PT0S and V84SMD... but I have not tried very much,WX was very bad over here. But... in the log for: HL5IVL; XP2I and (finally) Algeria 7X5NZ. So, not bad! See you... between the mountains!
Alessandro, IZ5MOQ