Cari Dxer,
A seguito delle incomprensioni sulla richiesta di 1 dollaro per essere inseriti "SUBITO" su LOTW, prima della spiegazione di Silvano YSB si è scatenata una discussione feroce specialmente tra gli USA. Vi allego uno scambio che è avvenuto all'interno del net della Carolina DX Association (DX club) al quale appartengo. Interessante le conclusioni che ne escono, su cui si converge alla fine su questo ragionamento: le spedizioni costano e se uno vuole LOTW subito ha da pagà, anche se LOTW è agratiss.... mi sembra un inizio anche per le spedizioni future e mi trovo d'accordo. Oppure dare un contributo oppure chiedere la QSL diretta oppure aspettare 6 mesi.
Ecco qui:
From: " Jesse Wall" <>
To: "CDXA Reflector" <>
Subject: [CDXA] 9J2T Charging for LoTW!
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 09:25:50 -0700
I was just poking around DX World, and there is a post that the IDT group is charging for a LoTW only confirmation for 9J2T. Absolutely ridiculus!
Here is the link to the post:
I hope this doesn't become a habit with DXpeditions. Personally, I will not donate to any group that adopts this practice. BTW, if you request the card, LoTW confirmation is included.
Jesse, KA8YYZ
From: "" <>
Subject: Re: [CDXA] 9J2T Charging for LoTW!
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 07:33:56 GMT
It seems likely that this is indicative of a problem seeking a solution. I feel sure it is the high cost of putting on dx'peditions and trying to recover at least some of the expense of doing it. In days gone by, we were interested in all time new dx and I didn't care too much what band it was on. Today, the DXCC Challenge is driving dx'peditions to have more and better equipment, antennas, and ops, for longer periods of time. I understand the ops are having to front a substantial part of the costs, and hope that sponsors and donations bring some parity to the situation.
The whole point of dx'peditions is to provide dx qso's to dx'ers. Surely, we can't expect the ops who go on these dx'peditions to fund them for our enjoyment. I checked the FT5ZM website a few minutes ago and it looks like the donations and funding is still 10% or $45,000 short of the $450,000 goal. If the dx world doesn't support these dx'peditions adequately, I suspect we'll see them decline. In the case of FT5ZM, 170,000 qso's versus $450,000 in expenses sounds to me like roughly $2.75 per qso. What a bargain considering we dx'ers didn't have to do anything to reap the reward. Despite having made a donation and supporting CDXA, NCDXF, And INDEXA, I'd pay $2.75 or $5.00 per qso for FT5ZM confirmations. After over 50 years of pursuing dx, off and on, I'm getting close now. I need 13 more all time new ones. Would I pay $2.75 or $5.00 per band qso in pursuit of the Challenge?
Maybe, maybe not. That's not as important to me. This is really a subject for folks with first hand insight to chime in on, not necessarily within CDXA but certainly in the DX world. Roy WA4DOU
From: " Jesse Wall" <>
To: "CDXA Reflector" <>
Subject: [CDXA] 9J2T Charging for LoTW!
Hello Roy,
I absolutely agree with you. However, I have never adopted "The ends justify the means" philosophy. In the case of 9J2T, the method just struck me as wrong. However, after it was later explained that the cost was for immediate LoTW and that all would be uploaded after 6 months, I guess it is not so bad. You could look at it as an incentive to donate. The mistake made, was they really should have stated their policy from the start. I do worry about this being the first step of requiring payment for LoTW confirmation, period. And not just from DXpeditions. I guess we wait and see on that one. As to DXpeditions, you are right. Their whole purpose is to give a QSO to a DXer. And I do not think they should front the bill from their own pockets, unless it is a vacation with radio on the side. We do need to support them. I am not a rich man, but I do give where I can. The DXpeditions need to understand too that not everyone can donate. I worked the FT5ZM for an all time new one, and while the QSL price was higher than normal, I made an additional donation. Don't get me wrong, no one fainted from my donation, but I gave what I could. On the other side, DXpeditions are not a business, either. I too an getting close, needing 28 to finish out. So for me to make a donation here and there is not really a big deal. LoTW has been a double edged sword. It is great that it provides a confirmation without the cost of pursuing the card. However, I honestly believe that some DX stations don't participate because it has cut into their green stamp collecting, but that is another topic. To each their own.
In the end, the first rule I learned about DXing is the DX makes the rules. It is up to each person to decide whether they will pay or not. Anyway Roy, I appeciate your input, and totally agree with it. This topic has people on both sides.
See you in the next pileup!
Jesse, KA8YYZ
A seguito delle incomprensioni sulla richiesta di 1 dollaro per essere inseriti "SUBITO" su LOTW, prima della spiegazione di Silvano YSB si è scatenata una discussione feroce specialmente tra gli USA. Vi allego uno scambio che è avvenuto all'interno del net della Carolina DX Association (DX club) al quale appartengo. Interessante le conclusioni che ne escono, su cui si converge alla fine su questo ragionamento: le spedizioni costano e se uno vuole LOTW subito ha da pagà, anche se LOTW è agratiss.... mi sembra un inizio anche per le spedizioni future e mi trovo d'accordo. Oppure dare un contributo oppure chiedere la QSL diretta oppure aspettare 6 mesi.
Ecco qui:
From: " Jesse Wall" <>
To: "CDXA Reflector" <>
Subject: [CDXA] 9J2T Charging for LoTW!
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 09:25:50 -0700
I was just poking around DX World, and there is a post that the IDT group is charging for a LoTW only confirmation for 9J2T. Absolutely ridiculus!
Here is the link to the post:
I hope this doesn't become a habit with DXpeditions. Personally, I will not donate to any group that adopts this practice. BTW, if you request the card, LoTW confirmation is included.
Jesse, KA8YYZ
From: "" <>
Subject: Re: [CDXA] 9J2T Charging for LoTW!
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 07:33:56 GMT
It seems likely that this is indicative of a problem seeking a solution. I feel sure it is the high cost of putting on dx'peditions and trying to recover at least some of the expense of doing it. In days gone by, we were interested in all time new dx and I didn't care too much what band it was on. Today, the DXCC Challenge is driving dx'peditions to have more and better equipment, antennas, and ops, for longer periods of time. I understand the ops are having to front a substantial part of the costs, and hope that sponsors and donations bring some parity to the situation.
The whole point of dx'peditions is to provide dx qso's to dx'ers. Surely, we can't expect the ops who go on these dx'peditions to fund them for our enjoyment. I checked the FT5ZM website a few minutes ago and it looks like the donations and funding is still 10% or $45,000 short of the $450,000 goal. If the dx world doesn't support these dx'peditions adequately, I suspect we'll see them decline. In the case of FT5ZM, 170,000 qso's versus $450,000 in expenses sounds to me like roughly $2.75 per qso. What a bargain considering we dx'ers didn't have to do anything to reap the reward. Despite having made a donation and supporting CDXA, NCDXF, And INDEXA, I'd pay $2.75 or $5.00 per qso for FT5ZM confirmations. After over 50 years of pursuing dx, off and on, I'm getting close now. I need 13 more all time new ones. Would I pay $2.75 or $5.00 per band qso in pursuit of the Challenge?
Maybe, maybe not. That's not as important to me. This is really a subject for folks with first hand insight to chime in on, not necessarily within CDXA but certainly in the DX world. Roy WA4DOU
From: " Jesse Wall" <>
To: "CDXA Reflector" <>
Subject: [CDXA] 9J2T Charging for LoTW!
Hello Roy,
I absolutely agree with you. However, I have never adopted "The ends justify the means" philosophy. In the case of 9J2T, the method just struck me as wrong. However, after it was later explained that the cost was for immediate LoTW and that all would be uploaded after 6 months, I guess it is not so bad. You could look at it as an incentive to donate. The mistake made, was they really should have stated their policy from the start. I do worry about this being the first step of requiring payment for LoTW confirmation, period. And not just from DXpeditions. I guess we wait and see on that one. As to DXpeditions, you are right. Their whole purpose is to give a QSO to a DXer. And I do not think they should front the bill from their own pockets, unless it is a vacation with radio on the side. We do need to support them. I am not a rich man, but I do give where I can. The DXpeditions need to understand too that not everyone can donate. I worked the FT5ZM for an all time new one, and while the QSL price was higher than normal, I made an additional donation. Don't get me wrong, no one fainted from my donation, but I gave what I could. On the other side, DXpeditions are not a business, either. I too an getting close, needing 28 to finish out. So for me to make a donation here and there is not really a big deal. LoTW has been a double edged sword. It is great that it provides a confirmation without the cost of pursuing the card. However, I honestly believe that some DX stations don't participate because it has cut into their green stamp collecting, but that is another topic. To each their own.
In the end, the first rule I learned about DXing is the DX makes the rules. It is up to each person to decide whether they will pay or not. Anyway Roy, I appeciate your input, and totally agree with it. This topic has people on both sides.
See you in the next pileup!
Jesse, KA8YYZ