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Zl1amo sk

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  • Zl1amo sk

    Ciao Dxer
    mi rivolgo a chi tra di noi ha qualche anno in più in radio. Ho avuto dai miei amici della CDXA la brutta notizia della scomparsa di ZL1AMO, uno che assieme a Gus Browning e altri ha fatto la storia del DX tra i primi 70 e fine 90.
    Anche per i nuovi Dxer, sicuramente una persona da conoscere sebbene in ritardo...Che sia felice anche lassu'

    It is with great sadness that I report the passing of the legendary
    DXpeditioner ZL1AMO, Ron Wright. He was 75. Ron was admitted to
    North Shore Hospital last week after he had a collapsed lung and was
    in stable condition at the time. He became a Silent Key earlier

    My first QSO with Mr. Wright was ZL3HI/C in 1978 in the 10 meter
    Novice Band and as corny as it might sound he would later become one
    of my DX heroes. Ron was a serious CW op and would visit the US
    Novice bands late in his DXpeditions. He had probably well over 100
    DXpeditions throughout the Pacific including 3D2RW, 3D2RW/R, 5W1CW,
    A35EA, C21/ZL1AMO, FW0BX, H44RW, T28RW, T28RW, T30BH, VR6HI,
    YJ0RW, ZK1CQ (South), ZK1CQ, (North), ZK1MB (North), ZK2RW, ZK3RW,
    ZL7AMO, ZL8AMO and ZL9AMO just to name a few! Many of these locations he
    visited multiple times between the late 70's and 2002.
    Some will remember his last DXpedition where he was emergently air
    lifted back home to New Zealand from Fiji back in late 2002. After
    his recovery he went back home and continued to give back to the
    hobby as QSL manager for his good friend ZL3CW, Jacky Calvo. For
    many years he was also a BOD member of INDEXA and a member of the A1
    Club. Ron was the 23rd Amateur Radio operator inducted into the CQ
    DX Hall of Fame in 1985, as well as recently (2009) the 2nd inductee
    to the NZ DX Hall of Fame.
    ZL1AMO was one of the best CW ops and operated most of his DXpeditions
    exclusively on his favorite mode. His CW DXCC count was 339/346
    (current/total), only needing one country to have them all on Code!
    That one ironically was 3C0 Annobon!

    I had the pleasure of meeting Ron as a young man in the early 80's
    ( at a National
    Capitol DX Association (NCDXA) meeting in Virginia. Throughout the
    years we had many QSOs on CW. One evening I found AMO at home on SSB
    on 20 meters. Knowing Ron always enjoyed life and had a great sense
    of humor I broke in and said "Hello Mr. Wright, you're on the wrong
    mode". His quick witted response was "I guess you can call me Mr.
    Wrong!". So from that point on when I found him on SSB during his
    DXpeditions I would give him reports of 59 Mr. Wrong! In all
    seriousness I wish the Wright family (his wife Jeanette and daughters
    Karen and Terri) my sincere condolences. Amateur Radio and the DXing
    Community have lost an extraordinary man and DXpeditioner!
    Jess Guaderrama

    73 a tutti
    IN3ZNR - WH0Q
    Ultima modifica di IN3ZNR; 07-03-12, 17:25.

  • #2
    Re: Zl1amo sk

    Ohh... peccato, collegato diverse volte, anche da 3D2, dispiace, poi vedo che non era nemmeno vecchissimo per la vita attuale..

    DX ! What else !?


    • #3
      Re: Zl1amo sk

      Veramente dispiaciuto per un altro grande che ci lascia in un momento in cui i 'grandi' scarseggiano sempre di più. Ron ( come tutti i grandi ) pur prediligendo la telegrafia, non disdegnava di operare anche in fonia, regalando tante emozioni anche a chi (come me all'epoca...) non frequentava i ristretti circoli della telegrafia. Tnx Ron...
      File allegati
      I4ZSQ Silvano


      • #4
        Re: Zl1amo sk

        mi dispiace ,moltissimo , è uno dei pochi che ti impari come opera nei pileup in 2 minuti ,
        ricordo con molto piacere l suo modo di operare in telegrafia , diceva UP e riceveva up e down , un grande personaggio veramente , mi dispiace tanto
        dispiace si....


        • #5
          Re: Zl1amo sk

          Anch' io ho visto gli spot nel cluster ieri sera, è triste sapere che all' improvviso se n' è andato uno dei migliori. A suo tempo è stato protagonista di operazioni dal centro e sud Pacifico veramente belle, all' elenco sopra riportato aggiungerei anche ZL7AA del 1987.

          Peccato, ci mancherà.

          Clicca sull'immagine per ingrandirla. 

Nome:   ZL9AUCK.JPG 
Visite: 1 
Dimensione: 37.4 KB 
ID: 89180

          Clicca sull'immagine per ingrandirla. 

Nome:   ZL7CHA.JPG 
Visite: 1 
Dimensione: 31.8 KB 
ID: 89181

          Paolo I4EWH


          • #6
            Re: Zl1amo sk

            Un altro gentil'uomo della Radio se ne è andato, prima Jim Smith VK9NS ora Ron ZL1AMO.... che tristezza... RIP


            Sto operando...