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T6AF Afghanistan SK

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  • T6AF Afghanistan SK

    Un altro OM caduto in Afghanistan...non vorrei essere nei panni del mio amico
    N6PSE che ci sarà tra una bocca al lupo al team

    James McLaughlin, WA2EWE/T6AF, was one of several killed in Kabul, Afghanistan on Wednesday, April 27. News sources say that eight American troops and a US contractor died Wednesday after an Afghan military pilot opened fire during a meeting in an operations room of the Afghan Air Corps at the Kabul airport -- the deadliest episode to date of an Afghan turning against his coalition partners, officials with the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISF <>) in Afghanistan said.

    Licensed since 1972, McLaughlin was a career US military officer. Bob Magnani, K6QXY, told the ARRL that McLaughlin was just in the US a week ago, visiting his family: "His son Adam, KD6POE, works for me. He told me that his dad had been in Afghanistan and Iraq many times over the past few years, most currently serving as a flight instructor.” McLaughlin posted on his page that “almost every day, I operate at around 1230 - 1430 UTC.
    Sometimes I am QRV until around 1500 UTC.” As of March 26, 2011, he had logged 4359 QSOs, most of them on RTTY and PSK. -- *Thanks to Russ Bentson, K6KLY, CNN<>and
    the information

  • #2
    Re: T6AF Afgghanista SK

    Chissà quante ancora ne dovremo vedere...

    Esprimo il mio rammarico per la morte di James.
    73 de IK7JWY Art


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