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  • chi va in giappone??

    appena arrivata

    Dear xxxxx,

    You are cordially invited to the Asia Pacific DX Convention 2010, which
    will take place November 5-7, 2010.

    In addition to the usual presentations on recent DX-peditions, technical
    sessions, DX dinners, and so forth, this convention offers something
    special. Japan is where most of the amateur radio equipment is developed,
    and you will have the opportunity to join a tour to the Icom factory,
    participate in a technical session led by the Icom HF radio design team,
    and more.

    And don't forget, all of the programs at APDXC are conducted in English!

    For the non-ham members of your party, activities providing a chance to
    experience Japanese culture, such as tea ceremony and flower arranging,
    are being prepared.

    We appreciate your introducing this convention to your DX/contest club
    members. For more details, please visit the APDXC website at:

    For convention updates, check our website often, or send an e-mail to
    subscribe to the APDXC newsletter.

    We look forward to welcoming you at the APDXC in Osaka, Japan.


    APDXC Committee
    Osaka International House Radio Club

  • #2
    Re: chi va in giappone??

    Se il buon Mac JA3USA ci invita ancora come nel 2008... perche' no????

    E' abbastanza impegnativo come tempo perche' ci vogliono almeno 5 gg tra' andare e tornare pero' si possono trovare tipi come Antonio VR2PW che ne vale la pena di conoscere.

    73 de Vinicio IK2CIO


    • #3
      Re: chi va in giappone??

      Noi, come Team che ha operato TK9E, abbiamo ricevuto ad inizio agosto il suo invito.

      Sicuramente sarebbe molto interessante andarci, complice anche il fatto che si può fare un bel giretto all'interno della Icom, ma purtroppo per i vari impegni non possiamo andarci...sarà per le prossime!
      Purtroppo il Giappone non è qui dietro l'angolo...

      Ciao a tutti!

      73 de Fabio IZ2GMT
      Il sito web del mio gruppo VALLEBREMBANA DX&CONTEST TEAM


      • #4
        Re: chi va in giappone??

        Dear xxxxx

        There's only one month left before the APDXC 2010 starts on November 5, 2010.

        Please register for the APDXC 2010 as soon as possible so that you don't miss
        this fun DX Convention in Osaka!!
        This year we're looking forward to seeing some hams from brand new DXCC
        entities for the APDXC, including 4J5T Natig and 4K5D Igor from Azerbaijan,
        JT1BV Naran from Mongolia, DU6BG from Philippines, and more.

        Our Icom factory tour is a bit different from previous years. In addition to
        their main factory in Wakayama, south of Osaka, we'll be visiting Icom's brand
        new factory as well. Of course, a Q&A session with Icom HF radio engineers at
        their head office in Osaka will follow. After a tour through their modern
        factory, we'll talk about Icom radios, general technical issues, etc. face-to-
        face with the people who designed your Icom radios and are working on the next
        generation radios.

        On Day 2, you'll visit Uji, where the best Japanese green tea comes from. This
        is not just a sightseeing tour, but also you'll make your own green tea in the
        traditional way that's still used today to make their best green tea. You'll
        take short courses on making green tea used for Japanese tea ceremonies and
        regular tea for everyday use. Why don't you join this tour to make your green
        tea to take back home with you. Included on the tour is a visit to nearby Byodoin,
        one of the best-known Buddhist temples in Japan which was built a thousand years

        Our "Welcome party," "DX dinner" and presentation day which are always enjoyed
        by participants are scheduled for this year, too.

        Please take a look at and register for APDXC 2010 today.


        APDXC Committee (


        • #5
          Re: chi va in giappone??

          Originariamente inviato da i4fyf Visualizza il messaggio
          APDXC Committee (
          Dear xxxxxx,
          se passi da quelle parti portami come souvenir l'antenna di JA0PI. Quella di AAL la lascio a te.

          Cristiano IZ0IEN
          Cris IZ0IEN

          Founder of FOC - Frigo Operators Club
          Member of SOC #990 - Second Operator Class
          Orgoglioso cultore del CW a correzione d'errore.


          Sto operando...