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TRUE BLUE DX CLUB al tempo del covid_19

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  • TRUE BLUE DX CLUB al tempo del covid_19

    saluti a tutti!
    per chi non è socio del True Blue DX Club,
    allego l'ultima email ricevuta dal presidente del club OK1RP e dal suo fondatore MM0TWX

    The global crisis brings Hams together

    Dear TBDXC members,

    In these days, we are spending a lot of time at home, and the borders between our countries are closed. This situation is surely putting some stress on all of us.All of us are doing our best to adapt to this new reality, and we need to look after our well-being, both physical and psychological. We must stay in good shape and prepare ourselves for when the lockdown is over.

    As ham radio operators we have a great chance to make these difficult days a little easier. Two-way, human-to-human on air communication on CW and SSB is safe and easy, and can go a great lenght in preserving our psychological balance and fight off the sense of loneliness and isolation.

    And, in fact, it is heartening to see a remarkable increase in activity on the HF bands: in times of crisis, people want to be able to have meaningful human interactions - something that doesn't come easy by staring at an FT8 screen...

    So, we encourage you to do your part: turn on your radio every day and make contact with your mates around the world on CW and SSB in order to keep your mind strong and maintain friendship and camaraderie around the globe during this time.

    And, needless to say, sty safe, yourselves and your loved ones!

    Petr Ourednik, OK1RP, TBDXC President
    Pete Parisetti, MM0TWX, TBDXC Founder and CEO

  • #2
    Re: TRUE BLUE DX CLUB al tempo del covid_19

    Ciao Brix,

    bene ritrovato. Beh, aggiungerei che chi non è socio del TBDXC (ma ne condivide gli scopi e gli obiettivi) può diventarlo gratuitamente seguendo le istruzioni del seguente link:

    Inoltre, colgo l'occasione per invitare i soci (e futuri tali, a questo punto!) a unirsi alla chat dedicata su Telegram:

    o semplicemente ricercando "True Blue DXers Club" nella propria app.

    Scopo della chat è favorire in tempo reale sked, scambi di idee, informazioni, poll e prossime iniziative del Club.

    Buoni DX!

    73 ES QSH de IZ2ESV
    Tony - IZ2ESV
    tony.delonghi [at]

    Non bisogna mai smettere di avere fiducia negli uomini, direttore. Il giorno che accadrà sarà un giorno sbagliato.


    • #3
      Re: TRUE BLUE DX CLUB al tempo del covid_19

      Grazie Tony per le informazioni che hai aggiunto.
      A rileggerti ed a riascoltarti presto. Stay safe


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