- SSB: March 29-30 / CW: May 24-25, 2025
- Starts 0000 UTC Saturday; Ends 2359 UTC Sunday
- Log Deadlines: SSB – 2359 April 4 / CW – 2359 UTC May 30, 2025
Thrill in the chase of thousands of unique callsign prefixes from hundreds of DX entities in the world’s largest everyone-works-everyone radio contests.
The CQ World Wide WPX (WPX) contests are immensely popular operating activities that enjoy broad participation by amateurs around the globe. The events attract amateurs at all levels of proficiency from beginner to world champion. WPX features a diversity of categories for single operator and multi-operator stations, including the Youth Overlay for entrants 25 years of age or younger, so please come and join the fun!
Contest Basics
Each contest mode is a separate event running from 0000 UTC Saturday until 2359 UTC Sunday. SSB is the last full weekend of March and CW is the last full weekend of May.
Amateurs worldwide try to contact as many amateurs and prefixes as possible during the period of operation. Single Operator stations may operate 36 of the 48 hours and off times must be a minimum of 60 minutes during which no QSO is logged. Multi-operator stations may operate for the full 48 hours.
Contacts are valid on the 1.8, 3.5, 7, 14, 21, and 28 MHz bands (no WARC bands). Exchange a RS(T) report plus a progressive contact serial number starting with 001 for the first contact. Note: Multi-Two, Multi-Unlimited and Multi-Transmitter Distributed entrants use separate serial number sequences on each band.
The final score is the result of the total QSO points multiplied by the number of different prefixes worked. A station may be worked once on each band for QSO point credit.
Contacts with your own country are worth one point on each band. Contacts between stations on different continents are worth three points on 28, 21, and 14 MHz and six points on 7, 3.5, and 1.8 MHz.
Contacts between stations on the same continent, but in different countries, are worth one point on 28, 21, and 14 MHz and two points on 7, 3.5, and 1.8 MHz. Exception: For North American stations only – contacts between stations within the North American boundaries (both stations must be in North America) are worth two points on 28, 21, and 14 MHz and four points on 7, 3.5, and 1.8 MHz.
The prefix multiplier is the number of valid prefixes worked. Each prefix is counted only once regardless of the band or number of times the same prefix is worked. Special event, commemorative, and other unique prefix stations are encouraged to participate. A station operating from a DXCC entity different from that indicated by its callsign is required to sign portable. Prefixes must be issued or permitted by the licensing authority of the country of operation. See the full rules for a description of what constitutes a prefix.
Entry Categories
The competition is divided into Single Operator and Multi-Operator categories. Single Operator categories also offer four Overlay categories which may be entered IN ADDITION TO the normal Single Operator category. All entry categories may use QSO finding assistance except for the Classic Overlay.
Single Operator (all bands or any single band): Only one operator finds, makes, and logs all contacts.
- High power: Up to 1,500 watts
- Low power: 100 watts or less
- QRP: 5 watts or less
Single Operator Overlay Categories: Entrants in Single Operator categories may also submit their log for one of the overlay categories shown below. Overlay entries are grouped into all band, high power or low power (includes QRP) in the results.
Tribander/Single Element Overlay – Allows the use of a multi-band, multi-element antenna with one feedline for the 14, 21 and 28 MHz bands, plus a single element antenna for each of the 3.5 and 7 MHz bands. One example is a 3 element tri-band antenna for 14, 21 and 28 MHz plus an Inverted-V wire dipole for 3.5 MHz and another one for 7 MHz. Another example is a single-element multi-band vertical antenna for all 5 bands or a fan dipole of single element dipoles for each band using a single feedline.
Rookie Overlay – Open to operators who were first licensed as radio amateurs less than three (3) years before the date of the contest. You will be asked to indicate the year you were first licensed when submitting your log.
Youth Overlay – Open to all operators that are 25 years old or younger on the dates of the contest. You will be asked to indicate your birthday when submitting your log.
Classic Overlay – Allows only one radio, no receiving during transmitting, QSO finding assistance is NOT allowed and only the first 24 hours of operation count for the Classic Overlay score.
Multi-Operator Categories (All Band only): More than one person can contribute to the final score during the official contest period.
Single-Transmitter: Only one transmitted signal is permitted at any time. The station may change bands up to 10 times per hour. This category has specific restrictions on band changes so please read the full rules carefully.
- High power: Up to 1,500 watts
- Low power: 100 watts or less
Two-Transmitter: Two bands may be transmitted on simultaneously. Each station may change bands up to 8 times an hour.
Multi-Transmitter (Unlimited): One transmitted signal is allowed on each of the six contest bands.
Multi-Transmitter Distributed: A maximum of six transmitted signals, one per band at any one time, from stations in different locations. All equipment (transmitters, receivers, amplifiers, antennas, etc.) must be in the same DXCC entity and CQ Zone, including remotely controlled equipment. Six bands may be activated simultaneously.
Checklog: Entry submitted to assist with the log checking. The entry will not have a score in the results and the log will not be made public.
Electronic certificates will be made available for download for everyone that submits an on-time entry. Plaques are awarded to recognize top performance in several categories. The current list of plaques and sponsors is at .
Club Competition
Many clubs around the world compete vigorously for the plaque awarded to the club making the highest total combined score in the SSB and CW weekends.
Submitting Your Log
Electronic logs should be in the Cabrillo format. Upload your log on the web at . Uploading logs via the Web is the only approved method for submitting a log; paper logs are not accepted.
All entries must be emailed WITHIN FIVE (5) DAYS after the end of the contest: SSB logs no later than 2359 UTC 4 April 2025, CW logs no later than 2359 UTC 30 May 2024. Any log submission will replace any previous submissions. Resubmitting an entry after the deadline will result in it being considered as a late log.
Full Rules Online
Complete rules are available in several languages at .
Thrill in the chase of thousands of unique callsign prefixes from hundreds of DX entities in the world’s largest everyone-works-everyone radio contests. The CQ World Wide WPX (WPX) contests are immensely popular operating activities that enjoy broad participation by amateurs around the globe. The events attract amateurs at all levels of proficiency from beginner to … Continue reading Announcing the 2025 CQ World Wide WPX Contests
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