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WWROF Seeks New Director for CQ WPX

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  • WWROF Seeks New Director for CQ WPX

    The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (WWROF) is seeking a new Director to manage the administration of the CQ WPX Contest. Please contact Randy Thompson, K5ZD, ( if you have questions or want to apply.


    The Director of the CQ WPX Contest is responsible for the operation and results of the CQ WPX Contest. The ideal candidate will be passionate about the CQ WPX, a respected member of the contest community, have an eye for detail, possess political and communication skills, exhibit a high level of integrity, and have demonstrated proficiency in contesting.

    A major DX contest is made up of multiple components. The Director needs to identify new or existing resources and work with them to perform the necessary tasks.

    Rules – coordinate with WWROF on all aspects of the rules

    Outreach and promotion – encourage people to participate in the contest and submit their logs. Serve as the primary spokesperson for the contest.

    Customer Service – communication with participants to answer questions on any aspect of the contest

    Log Checking – coordinate the work to process incoming logs and all work necessary to produce the final scores

    Disciplinary Actions – investigate rule infractions and communicate with participants to reach a conclusion

    Results – coordinate the work to create the contest writeup, score tables, plaque winners, etc., and generate in a format for publication on the website

    Website – work with the webmaster to identify issues or enhancements, and publish the results

    Plaques – work with other resources to ensure that plaques are sponsored and fulfilled

    • Administration
      • Ability to recruit volunteers with the necessary skills to assist with the administration and operation of the contest
      • Recruit members to the CQ WPX Contest Committee as needed
      • Appoint leaders of internal working groups
      • Consult with other WWROF Contest Directors to set policies, define rule changes
      • Manage the log-checking process
      • Work with WWROF and others to identify and fund needed infrastructure
      • Uphold the ethical standards of the competition
    • Communication
      • Serve as external spokesperson for the CQ WPX Contest
      • Manage email requests to (e.g., did you get my log? where is my plaque? rules questions? log formatting?)
      • Communicate the policies and decisions of the Contest Committee
      • Distribute announcements by blog post and email
      • Make presentations about the contest (club meetings, webinars)
      • Review and provide content for the contest web site
    • Deliverables
      • Publish raw scores
      • Notify entrants of disqualifications, category changes, or warnings
      • Distribute preliminary and final log checking reports
      • Contest results article for each mode
      • Assemble results package for web site
      • Plaques delivered to winners
    • Other:
      • Gather feedback from participants through various methods

    • High level of integrity
    • Organizational and leadership ability to work with a global team of volunteers
    • Attention to detail and ability to work with data (text files, Excel)
    • Connection with the international contest community
    • Strong writing and presentation skills in English
    • Ability to devote 10+ hours per week between March and July each year to answer questions, manage the log checking, and publish the results

    The Contest Director is appointed by the WWROF Board of Directors. This is a volunteer, unpaid role. The WWROF Board reserves the right to replace the Director at any time.

    The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (WWROF) is seeking a new Director to manage the administration of the CQ WPX Contest. Please contact Randy Thompson, K5ZD, ( if you have questions or want to apply. Summary The Director of the CQ WPX Contest is responsible for the operation and results of the CQ WPX Contest. … Continue reading WWROF Seeks New Director for CQ WPX

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