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AntennaDinamica or UltraBeam

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  • AntennaDinamica or UltraBeam

    Hi everybody,
    at the moment I use an OB9-5 on the Roof in 14m. In Summer I will change the system against a Dinamic Antenna like Ultrabeam UB-50,
    6-20 DX or AntennaDinamica AEG6-40. It is difficult to find differences or test against eachother in the web.
    The Controller and the stepmotors of Antennadinamic looks well.
    Could anyone help me and give me some experiences with this antennasystems, especially AntennaDinamica?

    regards and ciao
    Thorsten DJ7ZZ

  • #2
    Re: AntennaDinamica or UltraBeam

    Originariamente inviato da DJ7ZZ Visualizza il messaggio
    Hi everybody,
    at the moment I use an OB9-5 on the Roof in 14m. In Summer I will change the system against a Dinamic Antenna like Ultrabeam UB-50,
    6-20 DX or AntennaDinamica AEG6-40. It is difficult to find differences or test against eachother in the web.
    The Controller and the stepmotors of Antennadinamic looks well.
    Could anyone help me and give me some experiences with this antennasystems, especially AntennaDinamica?

    regards and ciao
    Thorsten DJ7ZZ
    Hello Thorsten,

    i don't own both systems, so about the "field performance" i can't speak.
    Because I and Fabrizio IZ0AEG (owner of AD) live close enough, I saw the AD prototypes and mechanically and electrically are rock solid.
    Last time we spoke, Fabrizio said into 2 months AD are ready to market.
    A small number of AD systems (including the all-in-one controller, rotor/antenna/switch/meter) is running around many locations and the cycle of tests is almost ended.
    This IMHO will reduce failovers and is able to reproduce the 99% of everyday situations that can happens in real life - not merely PC simulations.

    Regarding Ultrabeam, many users of UB are here in this forum. I neither used an UB nor know the project background. But - reading around - customer care and rugged mechanics are the core business also in the case of UB antennas.

    Obviously, a little bit of pride in both cases : 2 italian producs that outperformed the original concept of dynamic antenna.

    Sorry for grammar & typo errors


    Cristiano IZ0IEN
    Cris IZ0IEN
    Founder of FOC - Frigo Operators Club
    Member of SOC #990 - Second Operator Class
    Orgoglioso cultore del CW a correzione d'errore.


    • #3
      Re: AntennaDinamica or UltraBeam

      Hi Cristiano,
      thank´s for the information about this two Antenna Manufactures.
      I hope, that AntennaDinamica will visit the HamFest in Friedrichshafen this Year.
      I think that the 3ele 6-20 is the right Antenna for me. I don´t have Information about the NEW Ultrabeam 6-20DX Modell. Does the 4th Element for 15/12/10m and the 6.3m Boom makes a realy Benefit over the 5m 3 element Modell?
      Thorsten DJ7ZZ


      • #4
        Re: AntennaDinamica or UltraBeam

        Originariamente inviato da DJ7ZZ Visualizza il messaggio
        Hi Cristiano,
        thank´s for the information about this two Antenna Manufactures.
        I hope, that AntennaDinamica will visit the HamFest in Friedrichshafen this Year.
        I think that the 3ele 6-20 is the right Antenna for me. I don´t have Information about the NEW Ultrabeam 6-20DX Modell. Does the 4th Element for 15/12/10m and the 6.3m Boom makes a realy Benefit over the 5m 3 element Modell?
        Thorsten DJ7ZZ
        Hello Thorsten.
        I think AD will be in FN this year.
        Regarding performances over different types of antenna, YMMV, your mileage may vary. On free space, if we look at the original site, we got a 2 dB gross value for the 4th element added. Interesting to note that, if we don't get a typo, the 3-el yagi got a better F/R ratio than the 4-el.
        Maybe you will have a better takeoff angle with a 4-el and a longer boom. But some mmana simulation over the years learn me that you can reach the same takeoff angle with a 3-el simply placing the antenna a little bit higher, say 3-4 meter higher than a canonical 1/2 wave.
        Antenna pratice is a tradeoff between soil conductivity, height, and target. And budget, of course. Sometime, in the years, i was competitive with my vertical against a beam simply because i can hear 360° around and cqing around the bands i was able to work JA as well as NA-SA without turning anything. Yes, of course what i hear is far far less than a beam, but this is my compromise for now. All in the life is a compromise
        So the best reply that i can give you is: follow your mood, be happy with your choice. Choose the antenna you like, not the antenna that other likes.
        For sure - as happen everyday in our hobby - your antenna will be the best antenna that you ever seen

        I hope that some mmana simulation guru can give replies more accurate than this post. But simulation are in ideal conditions, and on the field everything will change.

        And - sorry - but if one day i will be on air with a directional antenna, my choices will be log periodics or cubical quad

        Cristiano IZ0IEN
        Ultima modifica di IZ0IEN; 18-03-13, 23:31.
        Cris IZ0IEN
        Founder of FOC - Frigo Operators Club
        Member of SOC #990 - Second Operator Class
        Orgoglioso cultore del CW a correzione d'errore.


        • #5
          Re: AntennaDinamica or UltraBeam

          Thanks Christiano for the infos and the statement.
          I ordered now an Ultrabeam standard 3ele. That is the biggest antenna I can put on the roof. The 4 ele is a little bit to big in the load of my small roof mast.
          I hope, that the Ultra will be a little bit better than my Optibeam 9-5.

          vy73 Thorsten


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