Re: "Ricetta facile" per antenna per ricezione hf
Veramente dice anche molto di più, disintegrando "certezze" erronee che evidentemente devo correggere, ed approfondire, (seppur avevo letto in un articolo citato in un numero di RadioKitElettronica *Settembre 2001 pag.33 - 37*, ove spiegavano come bloccare le correnti di ritorno sulle O.C.F citando: "Antenne Progettazione e Costruzione" edizioni C&C..... ), dicevo, leggi qui cosa specifica in merito W8JI:
" A dipole, even though a balanced antenna, also has problems with common mode currents when fed with an unbalanced feedline. Some feedline lengths can cause problems, while other lengths might eliminate need for a balun. There is no universal magic length to minimize common mode currents because the required length to minimize common mode varies with the routing, grounding, and surroundings of the feedline. If we have a specific case, like a vertical feedline hanging in free air from a dipole and running straight down to earth and grounded at earth's surface, then the magic length is 1/4 or any odd quarter wavelength with no correction for velocity factor required! "
Originariamente inviato da ik2bcp
Visualizza il messaggio
" A dipole, even though a balanced antenna, also has problems with common mode currents when fed with an unbalanced feedline. Some feedline lengths can cause problems, while other lengths might eliminate need for a balun. There is no universal magic length to minimize common mode currents because the required length to minimize common mode varies with the routing, grounding, and surroundings of the feedline. If we have a specific case, like a vertical feedline hanging in free air from a dipole and running straight down to earth and grounded at earth's surface, then the magic length is 1/4 or any odd quarter wavelength with no correction for velocity factor required! "
